Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 2-A photo of something you ate today.

That's kind of ironic because if I've already eaten it today, why would anyone want to see a picture? A better challenge would be "a picture of something I didn't eat today". 

My goodness, what DIDN"T I eat today?!? I ate a ton of junk food and chips to keep me awake all night. I stayed awake to make sure that Kevin stayed awake and finished his paper (which he did).

Anyway, back to food. I am too lazy to find the camera so you get a google image-not that I would be able to find a semi clean area in my apartment to take the picture at anyway. I seriously cannot wait for school to be done so I can actually have some time to clean my home and not feel like such a slob. 

Ok, again, back to food! In food science today we did our final projects where we had to make up an experiment and perform it. At least 1/3 of the class decided to do some sort of experiment on chocolate chip cookies in one way or another, myself included. So I've eaten quite a few cookies today and I am currently enjoying my mom's recipe of chocolate chip cookies. And now I want milk...and I don't even like milk. It truly is a wonder how I've never broken a bone in my life when you think about how little amount of milk I have consumed in my lifetime. Wow, when I am tired I ramble!

So this was the reason behind this whole random post. A cookie. I ate a lot of cookies today. The End.

1 comment:

  1. I am loving your 30 days of blogging! Hope my cookie recipe worked out well for you!
