Sunday, October 23, 2011

Officially a Military Wife...

And I'm not 100% sure exactly how I feel about it. 

So Kevin officially joined the air force about 2 weeks ago. Technically, he's in the reserves right now. He's just waiting for a job and to find out when he's going to basic. It sounds like it will be sometime in January or February, just depends on when a job opens up that he wants. He scored a 93 on the ASVAB, so he can pick whatever job he wants (Mr. Smarty Pants). He really wants to continue with engineering, just depends on whether a job opens up at the right time. We're not sure how long we want to be in right now. We're thinking probably 6 years right now because he can move up in ranks faster if he commits to 6 instead of 4.
He'll already start out as an E-3 (the third level for enlisted) but he'll still only be making about $20,000/year which is not a lot. However, I like the fact that it is a salary that goes pretty much directly to what you want (i.e. no rent/no medical insurance/food allowance, CHEAP to have kids) so that will be nice. His plan is to get his degree either online or, if we're stationed near a college, to get it there. I told him he has to get his degree and either become an officer or get out because you don't make anything when you're just enlisted. It just depends on where we end up. 
He really wants to go back to Alaska, I'm not too fond of that idea. Although I wouldn't mind sunsets like this:  
That's one thing I'll miss about Idaho. The sunsets.
I just don't know how I feel about living in a place that is completely dark all day for part of the year, and then the sun doesn't go down at all for the rest of the year. But we're also thinking Tacoma or Italy (if there's jobs open in those areas). But we won't know until he's done with basic/tech school I think. And depending on what job he gets, tech school could be up to a year long. And we won't know where tech school is until he gets a job. So our lives are still up in the air, only with a little more stability now. But that's about it as far as future plans go.

I'm doing pretty well in my classes. I think I have all A's so that's nice. However, I only have a few weeks of work left because the majority of my school work is towards the end of the semester, so I put my last day to be Nov. 20th and since I only work weekends, I only have about 5 more days left of work because I'm going to Utah for a conference for a class and then I have the PRAXIS. I am not looking forward to that by any means. A few months ago, I took a practice one without studying and I passed, so hopefully the one I take will be like that one. A few girls in my classes are having study groups a few times a week and I think it's helping. I guess I'll find out on November 12th if it actually helped or not. Well actually, I won't find out for a month after (when scores come out). Hopefully I pass though, because it's the only time it's offered before I student teach. And since you have to pass it before you student teach, I would have to fill out a "special request" form or something like that in order to still be able to student teach on time. But I don't think they would tell me I can't student teach once I already have a placement and everything. I would just have to take it while student teaching. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I'll walk in the graduation ceremony in December and then Student Teach from January-April.
So ready to be done with school
But since Kevin will most likely be leaving in January, I want him at my graduation. However, that means that Thomas, Kelly, and Dillan won't be able to be there and that makes me really, really sad. I wish I would have just graduated on time in April. But it's too late now.

In other news, it's already snowed here once :( I was pretty upset. Although it seemed to be a fluke snowstorm because it's been in the 50s-60s every day since and it was probably 80 degrees two days before the storm. And according to weather. com it's not supposed to snow through nov. 1. At least that's what it said today. Who knows if/when that will change. 

Anyway, that's about it as far as our lives go. Very intriguing, I know...