Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lately 2

Day 5
So I went running today. Well running/walking. I went around in the neighborhood where the Nii’s and Deru’s live. I’m pretty sure Scott yelled hi to me. That’s who it looked like at least. Does he live in that neighborhood or related to someone that does? Maybe it wasn’t even him. My eyes are getting worse L so it’s a strong possibility. Anyway, I went through that neighborhood and then over to the high school and then back. I was gone for about 35 minutes. So not too long, but a good amount.
Then I went and picked up the pictures that should have come in yesterday’s letter. As I was driving to wal-mart, there was the type of puppy that we want on the side of the road and he/she/it was just a little thing and it didn’t look like it had a collar. Oh man, I was so tempted to just go pick it up and tell your mom to deal with it. It was absolutely adorable. But on the way back, it wasn’t there anymore. I was pretty bummed.
Oh and on the way back from my run, I heard a woodpecker. He was super high up on a phone line and was just pecking away. It was so nice outside again today. It got up to 60 or 61 I think and way sunny. Not like down there according to the weather app on my phone.
I made dinner tonight and had to go to wal-mart again for some chicken and parmesan cheese. I knew this morning that I needed to get some more hair ties and forgot on the first trip so I was going to get them on the second trip, and of course forgot them again. So I took two trips to wal-mart and no hair ties. Awesome. Anyway, I made chicken fettuccini broccoli alfredo. So good!! Who knew you could make alfredo sauce with parmesan cheese, cream of mushroom soup and some milk?! Well, you can! It was so good. Definitely one to make in the future. You’d really like it.

Day 6
I forgot to tell you in yesterday’s letter that “Being Elmo” was on Netflix so I watched it. It was so good! We’ll have to watch it when you get back. I think you’ll like it. Also, we all watched Hugo on Friday night. Well, your family started it and by the time that I got finished with your letter, it was about ½ way over, so I didn’t really understand what was going on in it so I just laid on the ground and slept.
I started watching a show on Netflix called “Accidentally on Purpose”. It’s about a woman who has a one-night-stand with a guy that’s 15 years younger than her (37 and 22) and she gets pregnant from it. It’s a pretty funny show and I find myself laughing out loud at some parts. I only watched a few episodes but I think it’s one I’ll keep watching.

Day 7
Not really much went on today. I went to school (only teaching 2 classes instead of 3!) Then I went to the gym. Funny thing-it’s Monday, so we get out an hour early because of meetings and I completely forgot that it was we were done an hour early so about 20 minutes after school was out, I went ahead and told Tammy that I was leaving. She seemed confused, which I didn’t really understand, but as soon as I got out to the parking lot, k realized that I was leaving an hour early. Oopsies! I text her and apologized, but I wasn’t about to go back in. I figured I was already gone so there wasn’t really anything else for me to do. I thought it was funny. Such a blonde moment. Anyway, I went to the gym. I was so tired by the end of it. It wore me out for sure. I had to work off the row of brownie that I ate last night L
As far as the rest of the day, we had grilled cheese for dinner and I watched the bachelor. It was the final episode tonight and he picked the skanky model that didn’t get along with any of the other girls. She is just a horrible person, seriously. Supposedly the broke up about a month ago but got back together during the after the final rose episode. I don’t think it will last. Listen to me and my drama. Sheesh. I need to not watch these shows anymore. I finished the first season of Accidentally on Purpose. I think it is just that one season so I’m a little disappointed that there’s no more but oh well. Yes, I watched 18 episodes in 3 days.  Pathetic, I know. As I was flipping through show tonight, I saw How I met your mother. Let me just tell you, it was so hard to turn away from it. But I was strong and changed the channel. We’ll just get caught up when you get home.

Day 8
I hope you’re doing well! I had a pretty good day. Gail observed me and then Tammy did later in the day. They both went really well and I’m glad my observations are done. 11 more lessons!! So close! I also had my last meeting down in Pocatello and we went to Perkins and Gail bought us a piece of pie. Then I came home and there were tarts. I only ate 3 tiny ones though so I’m still on the wagon I think. I didn’t go to the gym today because of my meeting, though. Even though I can easily still go tonight-I just don’t want to. Simple as that.
I’ve decided that I have to get down to 140 before I can get pregnant. And I’m sure you probably just thought “yeah right” or “we’ll never have kids” but I’m determined
So that’s my reward for losing weight-getting to have a baby. I think it’s pretty fair.

So there'a huge amount of information (which doesn't even come close to the amount that I've actually written Kevin over the past week) but if you made it through all that kudos to you. 
Mostly this was for my mom since she's pretty much the only one who even ready this (and usually Jill, too.)
So there you go Madre, a blog update. I'll try and be more timely with the future ones.


So I figured since I do have quite a bit more time on my hands recently (the end of student teaching really is a breeze) I should probably update at least a little bit. Kevin is gone at Basic Training for the Air Force at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, TX and will hopefully be done the first weekend in May (50 more days!) Then he will leave to go to technical school, where he will learn how to do his job. That will take place at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri from right after Graduation until the 3rd week in July. Unfortunately, he will be done for both of our birthdays (his is next Tuesday and mine in in July) but he will be back for our 3rd anniversary. I'm already more than ready for him to be back. I've always done ok with just being on my own, but i've just gotten really bored recently without my best friend and go-to guy. It's going to be an intersting 4.5 months to say the least. 
Anyway, I figured since I've written him every day since he's been gone (8) I can at least find some time to  even just copy and paste parts of the letters that I write to him on here. Most of the stuff was really only directed at him, though, so I'll spare you all the details. So here it goes...

Day 1

We went over our work samples in our meeting today. (I have a meeting every Tuesday in Pocatello for student teaching) I have to write a final reflection and erase the students’ names from anything with a  grade on it but other than that he said it was good so I’m glad. My review is next Friday (16th) at 4 PM so I will have to leave right after I’m done teaching 4th hour. No big deal though. I only have 13 more days and then I’m officially done! How crazy is that!?! I love it!

Day 2
Today was a good day. School was a little boring but only 12 more days!! Woo hoo!! So close! The students in my nutrition/foods class all did really well on their test so that’s always a nice boost of confidence. Tomorrow I’m teaching about self-esteem in teen living. The lesson I have is really good. I got it from Tammy who got it from someone else and it’s a really good one so I’m pretty excited to teach it.
After school I went to the gym. Yay! I was only there for a little over a half hour. I wanted to stay longer but I needed to go to wal-mart to get envelopes and stamps so that I could mail you letters. I should just get a print out of your address so that I don’t have to write it out every time. But who knows. Anyway, I ran/walked a mile on the treadmill (almost as much running as walking) and I wasn’t even really winded after I was done. Hopefully I can make it more of a habit. I got to the gym at about 3:55 and there was absolutely no one there. I was all by myself for about 10-15 minutes. It was weird but I really liked it too. I also did some lunges, sit-ups, jumping jacks and like 20 seconds on the stair master. I wasn’t really feeling it today. But that’s ok. I’m going to try to stay longer tomorrow since I won’t have to go to wal-mart. I really wish the gym had a weight machine for resistance for thighs. I really liked using it up in Rexburg. Instead I just kind of straddled one of the exercise balls and clinched my thighs around it. It was pretty awkward, not gonna lie. Just imagine that. I was really glad no one was upstairs with me yet.
On another note, I think I jammed my right middle finger today. Or maybe last night. It doesn’t really hurt to move it, it just looks a little fatter than the one on my left hand and it hurts to bend it and press against it. I can type just fine and can move it around so I’m not too concerned I just think it got jammed or something somehow.
I talked to my mom for about 45 minutes tonight. Nothing really in particular-just whatever came up in the conversation. That’s about it as far as today went. Really good day, all things considered. I hope you’re doing well and that the yelling isn’t getting to you too much and that you’re remembering to call people “Sir” now J

Day 3
I forgot to tell you yesterday that I got the car washed. I knew it would take a while because when I got in line there were at least 5 cars in front of me. So I thought, ½ hour tops waiting. Yeah, the $7 car washes took like 10 minutes each! Some people got those (I’m assuming because they were longer than others) and others got the $5 one but I was still waiting in line for at least 45 minutes if not more. And as I’m sitting in line, I watch everyone pay for their car wash and everyone is paying in cash. I had a mini heart attack. I was going to be so mad if I waited 45 minutes and then I have no cash to pay for the wash with. Luckily it did take card so I was pretty relieved. But Mallory looks so good! She’s very happy to finally be clean.

Day 4
Today was absolutely gorgeous outside! 55 degrees and so sunny! It’s supposed to be like that all weekend too. Too bad it’s 45 and rainy in San Antonio L shouldn’t that be the other way around? But I’m not complaining! And at least it’s not too hot down there so you’re hopefully not too miserable.
I went ahead and bought my plane tickets for my trip. I figured that even if I need to change it for whatever reason, I just have to pay the difference of the 2 tickets.
Tomorrow is Dillan’s birthday party. I wish we could be there. Thomas and I face timed today when he went and picked Dillan up at my parents. He is so big now. It is precious. He’s the fastest crawler I’ve ever seen. It’s so funny. He’ll stand up with no problem, plop down to crawl 4 feet and then stand right back up like it’s nothing. He doesn’t really recognize me I don’t think. He just wants whatever phone he sees. His cheeks are still as chubby as ever. It’s adorable.
Today was my last day teaching Parenting/Child development. It will definitely be weird to have so much more time to prep lessons. Only 2 more classes and 10 more days! So crazy. It really did go by fast, but it took forever at the same time.
My finger (the one that was jammed) is starting to loosen up a bit. It’s about time. I mean it’s only been 4 days and I have no idea what even caused it. I’ve tried stretching it out and it seems to be helping but it still hurts when I press against it but hopefully soon it will be back to normal.

If you finished reading this whole thing, you're a champ. And if you read the other one of day 5-8, you're a national champ.