Monday, November 12, 2012

Blogger is frustrating

Ok I just spent the last hour trying to figure out how to log into our blog. I'm not even exaggerating. Somehow my gmail account isn't linked to the blog (which is weird because that's all I've used for the past few years) and the only other email account that would be connected to it would be my hotmail from before I got my gmail account. And of course, I can't figure out how to access my hotmail account because it's been so long and it's all changed and super confusing. 

Side note: I just tried accessing it again through a different link from searching for "hotmail" on google and it let me right in. Well hello there, 855 messages in inbox and 570 in junk folder. But I still can't figure out how to access my part of the blog. Thank goodness Kevin made himself a contributor so I just logged in under his email and voila I got right in. Now I remember why I don't blog. Like ever. So if I ever decide to brave this beast again, I'll just log on from Kevin's email. So much more simple.

Anyway, if you didn't want to read all of that, then here's the reader's digest version of it. Blogger sucks and I want the last hour of my life back. 

Also anyway, the original point of this was to do an update. We are officially living in Japan! Well, we've been here for 7 weeks technically. Kevin jumped right into work of course and is already on a TDY (temporary duty). I just looked up what that stood for for the first time actually. I assumed it was temporary duty but some replies said it stands for temporary duty yonder. It doesn't. I laughed. You can too. He's been in Okinawa since the 5th and will get back on Thursday the 15th. So not too long, but still.

We were supposed to get our unaccompanied baggage shortly after arriving here which is is basically just a small amount of our stuff that they send on a plane so that you can have some of your own stuff here as soon as possible. Of course it didn't get here for a month and then the rest of our stuff came just a couple days after that. Thanks, military. But we finally have all our stuff and it's all unpacked. The living room/dining room area is still a little cluttered. Basically Kevin's stuff is on the dining room table and I don't know what he wants done with it so it will stay that way until after he gets home. Then I'll try and post pictures of our apartment. We live in a 3 bedroom which I thought would be way too much room. However, since there's no garage, it really doesn't seem that big anymore. Especially once we get more furniture. I call the rooms "baby's room" (no, that's not an announcement) and spare bedroom. I want to eventually get a bed to put in the spare bedroom so that will take up space in there.

I started working as a kindergarten aide and it's so much fun. However, every day I am made more aware of the fact that I chose the right age group to get a degree in. They're fun but they are a handful. Eventually I'll get it down. It's just a matter of finding that middle ground of how mean/how nice to be so that you won't be taken advantage of, but still kind. You don't really have to worry about that as much with secondary education. 
This is a picture of where I work. This is the main building, though, and I work off in the kindergarten building which is more to the right than this picture shows.

We've been to church every week so that's helped get us involved more. The first week, a family invited us over to dinner. The husband's name is also Kevin so that gets confusing but the real kicker is they both have the same middle name of Wayne. Apparently it was quite a common name.

Other than that, there's not much more to talk about. Thanksgiving is next week and it will be my first time ever cooking a turkey by myself and I'm terrified. I'm halfway debating whether to just go to the dinner they have here. Stinkin expensive though. And I suppose I better learn sometime. Better now that I make the 2 of us sick rather than when we have kids too.

I'll try and be better about keeping up on this. I'll MAKE myself post pictures of the times that we have gone out into the community so far. Pretty cool experiences here.

One more thing since I was just reminded. The City of Misawa plays music every hour, on the hour, from noon (right now) until 8 pm I believe. It's fun and they play it through the "giant voice". I love that name. Basically it's just their emergency response system. Every once in a while something is Japanese will be said over it and of course we have no idea what it means, but I figure if it's important, they'll say it in English too.

So just know that were are here, safe, and adjusting.
Love you all.


  1. I wanna visit. Hey, don't cook a turkey just go to mcdonalds. lol love you!

  2. Thx for writing this, even if it took awhile to log on. I love your way of expressing yourself through words. If I have one suggestion, it would be to NOT go eat Thanksgivng dinner on base. We did that one time when you were a baby/toddler, and dad and I (and other people, too), got really sick. They had to investigate the source of the food poisoning and everything. It wasn't a fun 24 hours, if ya know what I mean! And, just follow the instructions on how to cook the turkey, and you'll be fine. Love you!!

  3. McDonald's is sooo different here! So much better. They actually have a turkey burger and their fish has shrimp cooked inside it too. They definitely know how to do it here. Except the pronounce it Ma-ku-do-na-ru-do. It's incredibly weird. But then again, my pronunciation of Japanese words is even worse I'm sure.
