Thursday, February 10, 2011

In a funk...

Do anyone ever have one of those moments not even a whole day (although I’ve had those too) where you just don’t know what’s up of why you feel weird? Yeah, I’m feeling that right about now.
All of a sudden, I’m just in a complaining mood. So this is my venting zone.

I’m pretty sure I need another 30 day challenge to get me to actually start blogging again.

Our internet sucks. No joke. I had to type this blog out in 
Microsoft word before I could even try to make a blog.

  Apparently I still owe about $500 dollars to the doctor’s office for my IUD. Yeah, they said
insurance would pay for all but $300 of it. They failed to mention however, that didn’t
include a bunch of other fees the doctor requires. And that doesn’t include the insurance
deductible/whatever else they’ll charge. So there goes our tax return which means most
likely no Florida this summer. Leaving that sucker in for the full 10 years is starting to sound
more appealing just to get my money’s worth out of it.

 Kevin will be leaving for 5 days on Monday (Yes that’s Valentine’s Day if you were wondering).
He won’t be back until Friday afternoon-ish. That’s the longest we’re been apart in
a year and a half. Yes, I am aware that people go months without seeing one another.
That still doesn't disregard the fact that it’s the longest we’ve
been apart since we got married.

 I think I need a new calling because I can never seem to meet with the committee
when they can because I am always working or at school or doing homework.

Blogger is still not working even though I’ve typed this whole thing since I last checked.
Um, excuse me, Big Dog Satellite Internet. You should really check your satellite since
we live in a frozen tundra and occasionally the receiver may be, just may be blocked.

It is 16 degrees outside. That’s actually really warm for February. Anytime it gets into
double digit positives, you're bound to see people walking to class in short sleeves.

You'd think after 17 years of school I'd learn to double check my answers on quizzes
and not mark false when I really mean true.

My new computer that we just bought already had it's graphic card crap out in it.
Not cool, little Sony. Not cool.

I need to go to the gym but I really don't want to.

That was 10, count em 10 things that I just came up with recently to complain about.
So now I will force myself to come up with 10 things I am grateful that will dismiss
everything I just complained about all on my own.
So here we go.

I don't need a 30 day challenge. I have enough stuff in my life that could easily fill up this blog
if I just took the time to record it.

The internet finally started working again. Good dog, good dog.
(Reference to Big Dog if you didn't catch that.)

We actually still make little enough to still get a tax return instead of having to pay.
Although I'm pretty sure if we make much more this year as we did last year,
it's only a matter of time before we'll have to start owing the government.

I am blessed to have a wonderful husband who treats me like a queen regardless of the
fact that he may have to leave every so often for work training. There's always skype.
We're pretty much pros at that.

I have a job and school that keeps me busy and the committee members do their
best to work around my schedule. (Even if it is a terrible schedule to work with.)

Internet started working, so now blogger is too! YAY!!

It will warm up eventually. And then we'll all be complaining about how hot it is in the summer.

I've been able to go to school for 17 years and regardless of my airheadedness
I've done relatively well in school.

I still have Kevin's computer to use and mine is getting fixed for free since
it's still under warranty.

I am physically able to exercise. Lots of people aren't. I should take advantage of that.
Just not tonight.

I feel like this blog needs a picture since I've basically written a novel. So here. Enjoy.
I'll even give you two since it was so long.

I love Dory.

And the fountains at the Bellagio :)


  1. Go sister! I totally know how you feel- don't feel guilty, we all get into funks sometimes, I was just thinking about writing something like this myself, it makes me feel good to know I'm not the only one who gets into poopy moods!

  2. I'm SO GLAD you started blogging again! I LOVE reading it. And, I love YOU! Sorry about the medical costs of stuff. Just wait til the insurance pays all of their portion before you pay what the doc says is your part, cuz sometimes they (the docs office) are wrong. Speaking of which: I'm glad, as your mom, that you have insurance. I would worry even more than I do now if you didn't! Call next week if you get bored when Kubby is gone. :)
