Sunday, April 17, 2011

Some people

The family we sat behind today in church made me sad. Well actually, just the mom. She was sitting right in front of us and her 4 kids and her husband were to her right. It was in the middle of a talk and she pulls out her phone and checks her facebook!!! Seriously?!? She was trying to keep it hidden in her purse and covering it with her hand, but it was still obvious. I think her husband knew and he sent their son to her side of the pew to ask what she was doing. As soon as he got closer to her, she made the screen go blank so he couldn't see what she was looking at. When he asked, she said "pictures". Now I don't doubt she was looking at pictures, but she left out the small detail that she was also checking her facebook-in Sacrament meeting!!
What kind of example does that show her kids is  my question?
I'm the first to admit to Sacrament meeting A.D.D. but to pull out your phone and text, check facebook, etc. is something I don't think I'll ever understand.  And then to hide it from someone you're supposed to be setting an example for is beyond me.
I would pay money to see how she handles the situation when the roles are reversed in about 10 years and her kids are the ones to be on the internet while in Sacrament meeting. If checking your social standing is OK now, what's to say in 10 years that taking a phone call during a church meeting will still be considered rude? By that time, it will probably be the norm.


  1. Yay, you blogged! Anyway...I totally understand your comments. What's sadder is that it happens more often than you probably realize. Even though some people try to "fool others" with their electronic devices in Church by saying that they are using them to look up scriptures, etc. I often see them using them to "look up" other things (ie FB, texting). That's probably why our Seminary kids have to use "real" scriptures and not a handheld device when they attend Seminary here. I do understand those who have to be accessible during Church for others to reach (ie doctors, policemen), but I don't think being on FB is ever appropriate during Church. Oh well..."wheat and tares," even in the "small things these days.
