Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased

Tonight I purchased...

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

Silly Putty and a New and Improved SnoFling!!!

Basically a snowball thrower. The description is "Make safer snowballs faster. Throw them further. Keep your hands warm and dry. Use as a distress or signal horn". The horn part is crap-I tried it and it doesn't work. Ok nevermind I tried it again just now and it definitely works. Probably not the best thing to find out at 12:45 in the morning. Oh well!

I also bought bananas during the same purchase, but that's just not interesting. The silly putty and the snoball maker are white elephant gift for my work party tomorrow. And the bananas are to dip in a chocolate fountain at said party. I'm pretty excited about it.

Since I can't find our camera chord to plug into my computer and the camera only has an XD card which stupidly doesn't fit in pretty much any computer ever made, the pictures will have to come later.

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