Sunday, October 23, 2011

Officially a Military Wife...

And I'm not 100% sure exactly how I feel about it. 

So Kevin officially joined the air force about 2 weeks ago. Technically, he's in the reserves right now. He's just waiting for a job and to find out when he's going to basic. It sounds like it will be sometime in January or February, just depends on when a job opens up that he wants. He scored a 93 on the ASVAB, so he can pick whatever job he wants (Mr. Smarty Pants). He really wants to continue with engineering, just depends on whether a job opens up at the right time. We're not sure how long we want to be in right now. We're thinking probably 6 years right now because he can move up in ranks faster if he commits to 6 instead of 4.
He'll already start out as an E-3 (the third level for enlisted) but he'll still only be making about $20,000/year which is not a lot. However, I like the fact that it is a salary that goes pretty much directly to what you want (i.e. no rent/no medical insurance/food allowance, CHEAP to have kids) so that will be nice. His plan is to get his degree either online or, if we're stationed near a college, to get it there. I told him he has to get his degree and either become an officer or get out because you don't make anything when you're just enlisted. It just depends on where we end up. 
He really wants to go back to Alaska, I'm not too fond of that idea. Although I wouldn't mind sunsets like this:  
That's one thing I'll miss about Idaho. The sunsets.
I just don't know how I feel about living in a place that is completely dark all day for part of the year, and then the sun doesn't go down at all for the rest of the year. But we're also thinking Tacoma or Italy (if there's jobs open in those areas). But we won't know until he's done with basic/tech school I think. And depending on what job he gets, tech school could be up to a year long. And we won't know where tech school is until he gets a job. So our lives are still up in the air, only with a little more stability now. But that's about it as far as future plans go.

I'm doing pretty well in my classes. I think I have all A's so that's nice. However, I only have a few weeks of work left because the majority of my school work is towards the end of the semester, so I put my last day to be Nov. 20th and since I only work weekends, I only have about 5 more days left of work because I'm going to Utah for a conference for a class and then I have the PRAXIS. I am not looking forward to that by any means. A few months ago, I took a practice one without studying and I passed, so hopefully the one I take will be like that one. A few girls in my classes are having study groups a few times a week and I think it's helping. I guess I'll find out on November 12th if it actually helped or not. Well actually, I won't find out for a month after (when scores come out). Hopefully I pass though, because it's the only time it's offered before I student teach. And since you have to pass it before you student teach, I would have to fill out a "special request" form or something like that in order to still be able to student teach on time. But I don't think they would tell me I can't student teach once I already have a placement and everything. I would just have to take it while student teaching. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I'll walk in the graduation ceremony in December and then Student Teach from January-April.
So ready to be done with school
But since Kevin will most likely be leaving in January, I want him at my graduation. However, that means that Thomas, Kelly, and Dillan won't be able to be there and that makes me really, really sad. I wish I would have just graduated on time in April. But it's too late now.

In other news, it's already snowed here once :( I was pretty upset. Although it seemed to be a fluke snowstorm because it's been in the 50s-60s every day since and it was probably 80 degrees two days before the storm. And according to weather. com it's not supposed to snow through nov. 1. At least that's what it said today. Who knows if/when that will change. 

Anyway, that's about it as far as our lives go. Very intriguing, I know...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

These folks...

I've been thinking a lot about these 2 love  birds this past week. Mostly because they just got married and I am SO! excited for them, but also because every time I see them, I miss them. 
A. Lot.

Let me just say, it's about time they got married. They've been together/basically already married for over 5 years now. Just without the added benefits of actually being married.
There are so many memories with these two, and even more with just Emily.
When I was home for their wedding, I was going through all my old high school stuff so that I could bring it back to Idaho with me and I came across my high school yearbooks.
This is part of what you wrote junior year, Em.
"Thanks for all the times I vented to you about Austen! When I liked him & when I didn't."
That year was filled with so much (plays, New Years, Superbowl party, tanning appointments, and then Florida :)
Oh, Florida. Where you guys finally decided you wanted to be together-it only took you the entire year prior and then another month afterwards to make it official.
And now it's official for the rest of your lives :)

I wish I had more pictures of our memories, but these will have to do.

-Engaging in a TP war almost every weekend.
-Going dress shopping in Tacoma and writing down random quotes from that day. I wish we still had that list of quotes! -Most of them were from Emily-they usually were.
-And of course, no matter where we went, Austen was always there-Just one of the girls!

As I was sitting there watching the wedding, I'll admit, I was a little jealous of all the new people they had in their lives. I wish we would have stayed in better contact over the past few years :(
But, that is life sometimes.
I wish you two the best of luck in your new adventure! Marriage is definitely an adjustment, but one I'm sure you'll make effortlessly. I would offer you words of wisdom and advise on how to be successful,  but let's be honest, you two have basically got it all figured out. You've had years to figure it out :)
I love you both!! May your lives be full of love, faith, and family (emphasis on little Wiederspans, k?)
Congratulations Austen and Emily Wiederspan :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Catch up

So I figured I should get caught up on what's been going on recently.

June-I went home for Kelli's graduation. The night I got there we sat in her room and talked and got caught up (a little too loudly apparently) and my mom came in to tell us we needed to be quiet. I also got to meet Dillan for the first time. He was even more precious in person. I got to babysit him for 2 days. I realized how boring staying at home can be. I will definitely have to come up with lots of activities for our kids when they come along. It was good to get a baby fix. I should be good for a while.

He's trying to get the monkeys on his feet :) I just want to eat him up!

Congrats Presh!!! (And yes, we did yell Presh from the stands)

June/July-Rexburg opened a water park at the end of June so on the second day it was opened we went with our new friends Jemma and Eric and had a lot of fun. Then we went to Applebees half price appetizers. Kevin made the observation that we now have friends that like to eat out as much as we do! This makes us very happy :)

Which brings us to another fun event. Last night Kevin, me, Jemma, Eric, and 3 other co-workers went down to Buffalo Wild Wings in Idaho Falls to enjoy some famous wings. Being the adventurous one that I am, I chose the two most mild sauces they offered. They were good, just kind of dry. The waiter was fantastic though. Eric mentioned that he didn't like the waitress that he had the last time he went and the waiter from last night (Richard) totally talked bad about the waitress as well. Next time we go, we'll definitely ask for Richard again. 

They have HUGE TV screens everywhere in the restaurant. A lot have sports on them, but several have interactive trivia that you can play. They even give you little tablets so that you can play. Way fun.

July-Amie came up and stayed with us for the weekend on her way home over the July 4th weekend. It was a really fun weekend and I was sad to see her go. We didn't fight once!! That's quite impressive for us. We went grocery shopping the night she got here because I was in dire need of groceries and otherwise we would have had nothing to eat. She helped me while I subbed in nursery and became best friends with a little boy named Cole. Sunday night we went down and had a BBQ at Kevin's aunt's house with his family. They did some fireworks before we left and a cop that lives across the street brought over some other fireworks that he had confiscated last year and let us use them. It was a lot of fun.
On the 4th we went to Idaho Falls! We introduced her to Rumbi Grill (so good!) and watched the firework show on the river and then didn't get home until 2 AM. I love traffic. Especially when I had to be to work at 4:45 the next morning.

The next night (July 5th) we still had some fireworks left over that Kevin had bought so we invited our neighbors over to watch them with us. It was a lot of fun. Although about 10:10ish we see this police officer pull into our parking lot and sit over by the mail boxes. We finished the fireworks just as he's heading over to talk to us. He asked if we were going to be done soon and we told him we were already done. He told us to just remember that there are people with young children around and the sound ordinance goes into effect at 10:30. However, our neighbors that we out with us have a 2 year old and an almost 1 year old and they were getting such a kick out of it. And it wasn't even 10:30 yet and they were still legal because the kind we were doing are legal on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th in Idaho. So I didn't quite understand what the issue was. I asked if he got a phone call, and he did. Good to know we have up tight neighbors. And if you are reading this and you called the cops, you could have just come talked to us. We're quite nice people.

I think I've mentioned before that I had said that nursery would be my ideal calling. I've been subbing in it for the last few weeks and actually got called this past Tuesday. It's a little more boring than I remember nursery being when I was in it, but that's ok. It's still pretty fun. 

And finally, we're leaving for Florida in only about 5 weeks. Kevin is already spending too much time researching things he wants to do down there. But we're both really excited about Disney World. It will be a lot of fun. Hot and humid, but fun.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Green Thumb?

Tonight I went to a Relief Society activity. It was all about plants and how to take of them. Let's just say I am in no way someone that does well at taking care of plants or anything in that category.
A girl that majored in horticulture gave a little lesson and then we planted out own plants and played bingo to try to win a spider plant. It's a plant that looks this.

Although mine looks a lot less full. I think it's just in it's beginning stages. I didn't feel like taking a picture of my plants so you get a google image. Sorry. Yes, I'm that lazy.
So we'll see how long it takes me to kill these plants. Right now I have 2 aloe plants (from our friends the Hart's) and now 2 more plants from tonight. I haven't managed to kill the aloe plants yet, but they've molded a little bit so apparently I'm watering them too much. So I didn't water them for about 3 weeks, maybe more, and they seem to look better now.

Also at the activity I mentioned that my dream calling would be to be in nursery. Lucky for me, someone that works in the nursery was there and was super excited about it because they just realigned the ward boundaries and they need help now. She said there were 20 kids this past Sunday so they need all the help they can get. So we'll see what happens with that. With my luck, I'll get in there and not enjoy it at all. Oh well, good birth control right? Just kidding...

In other news, I was flipping through channels tonight and I came across a "Real Housewives of..." episode. At least I think that's what it was. I didn't watch enough of it to really figure it out. Anyway, in of the women's interviews she said something that really struck me. She said,
"If the grass seems greener on the other side, you need to water your own grass, not buy a new house."
I'm sure that's been said by other people before, but it just caught my attention tonight. Very good quote. 
Just food for thought I guess.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My daddy :)

This is my daddy.

I love him very much.
We're actually very similar. Pretty laid back, don't take things too seriously, yet still practical.
He was always at all my softball games, even coached me in basketball one year on an all boys team haha.
He always supported me in no matter what decisions I made.
I am definitely a daddy's girl.
Every time I go home I get really excited to see my dad.
We have very similar senses of humor and laugh all the time together.
That's probably why we get along so well.
I love my dad very, very much and couldn't have wished for a better daddy.

Friday, June 17, 2011

What a difference a year makes

This past year has undoubtedly been one of, if not the hardest, years of our lives.
However we have been blessed immensely by Heavenly Father in ways that I never thought possible.

Let me do a little explaining.
2 summers ago (2009-the summer we got married) I started taking birth control. However, my body is not a fan of the hormones that birth control contains whatsoever. Over the summer I started to feel numbness in my hands, face, etc. I didn't connect the numbness with birth control at that time however. 
Then one morning I woke up and my wrist was hurting. You know how sometimes you sleep on your wrist wrong and it's sore the next morning but after a little while it goes away? I just assumed that was the case. However the next morning, I woke up with the same pain.It gradually got worse and worse to the point of my ankles hurting and it being hard to walk. Not terribly hard, just quite uncomfortable. Then I started feeling more numbness in my hands, fingers, feet, etc. I had trouble with my fine motor skills with my hands such as typing, brushing my teeth, etc. So I went to the health clinic here on campus and told them what was going on. They said it might be lupus. I freaked. Then I told them I started realizing the numbness shortly after starting birth control. They flat out told me that birth control can't have those sort of effects of someone. Obviously I believed them-they are doctors of course. 

Anyway, Kevin and I decided that maybe I should stop taking the birth control and see if my symptoms went away and if I happened to get pregnant, then that was okay too.
That was in November of 2009. That following February we found out I was pregnant. We were so excited, but also scared out of our minds. How would we pay for this baby? Would I finish school? And tons of other questions.

Everything went great for the first 5 months. Then we got some genetic testing results back with a positive result for spina bifida. The nurse said that didn't mean the baby had it, just something in the blood work showed a higher chance. I freaked again. We set up an ultrasound appointment with a specialist in Idaho Falls  for late June. Naturally I did some research on what can cause it and taking hot baths will basically "cook" your baby in a way. I never knew that, and I enjoyed several of those baths early in my pregnancy.
However, we never made it to late June for that ultrasound appointment. 
At my 17 week appointment, my blood pressure was quite high. This is quite unusual so early on in a pregnancy, so they started drawing lots of blood and doing lots of tests the next few weeks in order to figure out why it was so high.

Then I had another appointment to check on my blood pressure and the nurse practioner checked the heart beat which was strong. But my blood pressure was still high so I set up another appointment for the next day.
The next day the doctor had trouble finding the heart beat with his little stethoscope thing so I had another ultrasound. His face looked a little off to me as he took measurements but I didn't think anything of it. I mean, I had just heard the heartbeat the day before and saw my baby kicking only a few weeks before in my last ultrasound.

Then the doctor said they baby had stopped growing right around the time of my last ultrasound. That was about 5 weeks prior. I freaked again, 
We moved up the date of the appointment with the specialist to the next week. Over that weekend was Kevin's mom's birthday so we went down for the weekend. I started feeling a few cramps Sunday night, but didn't think anything of it really. On Wednesday we went to the appointment in Idaho Falls only to be told there was no heartbeat. I thought my heart might stop beating as well when I heard the doctor say that. He was kind of a jerk about it too. His exact words were, "What I see here is a baby with no heartbeat, so that means this pregnancy has been lost." And then he walked out of the room. I instantly started bawling. My helpless baby that had been fine just a few days before was now dead. I couldn't believe it.

I thought about all the people who already knew. I was 20 weeks the next day, so we had announced the pregnancy almost 2 months before. Everyone knew. Thinking about calling my mom to tell her was more than I could bear. I made Kevin do it. I still regret making him do it. Although I spent countless hours on the phone with my mom in the near future, I still wish I could have had that moment with her regardless.

I spent the next 24 hours in the hospital waiting to deliver a baby I wouldn't get to take home. I heard several healthy babies enter the world that night crying, and I myself cried along with them. 

He was born one year ago today at 2:21 AM. From a medical standpoint, we can't be 100% sure he is a boy because he stopped growing at 14 weeks, but we both felt the whole time he was a boy and I'd like to think there was a little boy part that had started to grow down there. That being said, if there is a little girl waiting up in heaven for us, I'll have to apologize for putting her on the church records as a boy named Matthew Derek Elkins and referring to her as such until I die. But I'll still love her regardless.

Now onto the blessings part of the last year.
The reason why he died was because I have a clotting disorder which makes me prone to multiple miscarriages. All of my future pregnancies will be considered high risk and I'll have to take a blood thinner everyday in order to reduce the chances of developing a blood clot while pregnant. Because it's genetic, my sisters got tested for the disorder as well. One has it, one does not. The one that has it has had multiple surgeries in the past and her doctor said she should have died from a clot at some point. That alone is a huge blessing.

Another blessing is that Kevin and I have a much better plan for our future now than we did a year ago and I feel much more secure in our future plans than I did then. This may seem quite selfish, but we weren't ready to be parents really. Don't get me wrong, we would have figured it out eventually, but I think we're much more prepared now. Even though I know you can never really be ready.

Our relationship is so much stronger now than it was. Going through that kind of trial/experience (especially in the first year of marriage) is something I would never wish upon anyone,but it really brought us closer and more in tune with each other.

So you know how those doctors at the health clinic on campus said birth control can't cause those side effects? Yeah, I asked my OB-GYN about it, and without hesitating he responded, "Absolutely it can cause those kind of symptoms." I will never go to that health clinic again. 

We went to the temple today to celebrate Matthew's birthday. He was definitely there. It was great to feel him so strongly. We're also celebrating with a cheesecake. We decided that will be our tradition every June 17th. Temple and cheesecake. Hopefully eventually our future kids will become part of that tradition too.

I'm sure I had more thoughts I was going to write about, but I'm all blogged out. This is by far the longest post  I've ever written-pretty much a novel.

So happy birthday, Matthew. Daddy and I love you very much and can't wait until we actually get to meet you. Say hi to all your brothers and sisters that are up there celebrating with you today :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What's new

So I was on my way home from Idaho Falls today after depositing our pay checks (I really wish there was a Chase closer to Rexburg). Anyway, there was a women in front of me and all of a sudden she dropped a cigarette out her window! Really? I'm pretty bold, but I wish I was a little more bold in this situation. I so badly wanted to get out of my car, go pick up her disgusting cigarette, knock on her window, and tell her "Um, excuse me. You are more than welcome to destroy your body and lungs, but please don't destroy the earth while you are killing yourself. Thanks." Too bad I would never be able to do that. Which may be a good thing. You never know what kind of people will act all crazy when confronted.

In other news, I no longer work at Jimmy John's. (I know you're devastated, Jill haha). I am following Kevin's footsteps and now work at McDonald's! I know, I ventured way outside the box with this job. But I totally just walked in and got a job. Really blessed with it. Only downside to the job is going to bed while the sun is still out and going to work while the stars are still out. I go to bed around 8-8:30 every night and wake up around 4:15 and I'm at work at 4:45. Yes, in the morning! I am not a morning person by any definition of the word so it has been an interesting few weeks. I would much rather stay up later any day. But it's a job that gives me about 35 hours a week, so I can't complain at all.

One last note, I bought my plane tickets to go home for Kelli's graduation! I'm so stoked! I didn't think I'd be able to make it home, so I am very excited it worked out. Another benefit of working at McDonald's is getting to ask for time off ahead of time. Jimmy John's had a set schedule so you were required to find substitutes for any shift you wanted covered and that wasn't always an easy task. Anyway, I really excited to go home, even though Kevin can't go with me because he has school until July. I am also excited to meet little Dillan (well, he's not really that little but that's ok.) I would post a picture, but since he's not my kid, I won't. But trust me-he is precious!  I can't wait to see everyone and meet him!

That's all folks! Bed time for me!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My mama

There's nothing like a mother and there's definitely nothing like your own mother.
The women I'd like to think I knew before I came to this earth
The women that suffered through a Texas summer heat while pregnant with me
then suffered through 34 hours of labor with me and then had to have a C-section
only to be "rewarded" with a demon-like child who would scream for hours at a time
The woman who watched me dance and twirl through my early years
then helped me clean up my multiple injuries from running into things
The women who I often butted heads with especially in my teenage years
only to grow up and realize she really did know best in a lot of those situations
The women who has been by my side during my proudest moments and shared in that joy
yet has been there every step of the way during my darkest hours of despair
The woman who has always loved me and supported me in all my good decisions and kept quiet during a lot (not all, mind you) of my bad decisions
But has always loved me and prayed for me regardless.
Love you mom. Thank you for everything. I hope you have a happy mother's day!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Feeling accomlished

I am quite proud of my accomplishments over the past few days :)
1) I finished my first Mahjong tiles game ever.
2) Kevin and I cleaned the apartment which had taken a back seat for several months because of school/work and, let's be honest, I just didn't want to take the time to do it. However, it already needs to be cleaned again. Just laundry, a few dishes, and putting some blankets/clothes away. Nothing major, just needs to be done.
3) I finished my semester and managed to actually raise my overall GPA. Now I just get to work for 5 months. Poor Kevin is back to working and school. And he has hard classes these last 2 semesters.
4) I've applied to several places and already gotten multiple interviews so that's nice. I just wish I didn't have to look for a second job in order to get more than 23 hours per week. I mean, I worked 33 while I was in school, but now that I'm available anytime, I only get 23. I'm a little annoyed so I've started looking for a second (or even different job).
5) I completely forgot we bought a container of nutella (accomplishment 1 of this one) and once I realized it, I only ate about a 1/4 of the container. I was especially proud of this accomplishment. I really need to get over this  chocolate addiction I've had since I was born.

That's about all that's going on in our household recently!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Some people

The family we sat behind today in church made me sad. Well actually, just the mom. She was sitting right in front of us and her 4 kids and her husband were to her right. It was in the middle of a talk and she pulls out her phone and checks her facebook!!! Seriously?!? She was trying to keep it hidden in her purse and covering it with her hand, but it was still obvious. I think her husband knew and he sent their son to her side of the pew to ask what she was doing. As soon as he got closer to her, she made the screen go blank so he couldn't see what she was looking at. When he asked, she said "pictures". Now I don't doubt she was looking at pictures, but she left out the small detail that she was also checking her facebook-in Sacrament meeting!!
What kind of example does that show her kids is  my question?
I'm the first to admit to Sacrament meeting A.D.D. but to pull out your phone and text, check facebook, etc. is something I don't think I'll ever understand.  And then to hide it from someone you're supposed to be setting an example for is beyond me.
I would pay money to see how she handles the situation when the roles are reversed in about 10 years and her kids are the ones to be on the internet while in Sacrament meeting. If checking your social standing is OK now, what's to say in 10 years that taking a phone call during a church meeting will still be considered rude? By that time, it will probably be the norm.

Monday, March 21, 2011

24 reasons why I love him :)

I wrote this to Kevin for his birthday yesterday. Hopefully he doesn't mind me sharing :)

24 reasons why I love you (for your 24th birthday of course!)

1) That above everyone else, you chose me to be your eternal companion.
2) You say, “Guess What?” every time you are about to say “I love You.”
3) You came into my life at the best time.
4) You always dance in the car to Kesha.
5) You put up with how airheaded I am.
6) You make me more spontaneous.
7) Falling asleep in your arms every night.
8) You love fruit smiles and gushers as much as I do.
9) You are the most affectionate person ever.
10) You are the hardest worker I know. Sometimes too hard 
11) You are so silly and make me laugh every day.
12) How you kiss me on the forehead.
13) I love watching you sleep.
14) Listening to your heartbeat.
15) How much you know about technology. And cars.
16) You’re a good driver and I never have to worry when I’m in the car.
17) That you will take showers with me just so that I will actually take one because you know how much I hate them.
18) You know everything about me.
19) You know that when I don’t eat or sleep, I will most likely be crabby, so you make me eat.
20) You push the cart whenever we go grocery shopping.
21) It is impossible for you to be mean to anyone, even if you try.
22) You are ridiculously smart.
23) I can trust you in every situation.
24) You make me a better person every day and I am so lucky that you love me.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Life...or lack of having one

Kevin is playing Halo right now. I am bored.

Nothing really exciting is going on in our lives recently. I'm been working 30 some hours every week and taking 14 credits. I have no idea how I am even staying afloat. Luckily (or unluckily) a lot of my classes are just busy work.
Is unluckily even a word?
I have A's in all my classes except one. That's Personal Health and Wellness. I have a B+ which isn't bad,  I just really don't have the time, energy, or remember that I need to go exercise 4 times a week. Oh well. I figured out that if I get all A's this semester, it really doesn't effect my GPA at all. Likewise if I get all C's. So I'm really not too concerned.

Michael (Kevin's brother) comes home from his mission in about a week and a half. I've met the kid once. And it was only for about an hour I think. It was right after we got married and we were on our way down to Disneyland. We stopped by and surprised him for his birthday because he is in California. So it should be interesting to see the different family interactions with him home too because I've never known their family with him there. We shall see.
Brian, Shaune, and Nick are all in Utah right now, on their way to move from Alaska to Las Vegas area. It will be nice to have them closer. Especially once baby #2 arrives.

Kelly is due in 3 days I think. I'm sad we can't be there for the birth, but  that's life. Hopefully I'll at least be able to make it home for Kelli's graduation and be able to see Dillan then.

I feel like we're one of the old couples in our ward. We go to church and regardless of what part of the semester it is, there always seems to be a couple that  says, "We just got married last week!"
Seriously? It's March! Couldn't you have waited 5 more weeks and gotten married after the semester? Oh well, to each his own I guess.
After being married a year and half, people look at you like in 1 of these ways.
1)  You're still in school? How young were you when you got married?
2) Wow, you've been married a long time!
or my personal favorite (sense the sarcasm, please)
3) You've been married a year and a half and you don't have any kids? I'm 18 and we've only been married 9 months and we just had our first!"
Sometimes I just want to say "Congratulations, I'm actually going to finish my degree."
Now, that is harsh, I know, but it seems like once you've been married for a year or more, you're almost expected to have a child in these student married wards. Kind of annoying. Again-to each his (or her) own. I'm not trying to judge anyone who is young with a child very shortly after they were married. If your situation allowed it, then by all means, have a baby. But just don't expect everyone to make those same decisions as you, OK? :) Especially when you don't know the whole story.

That was a rant that I didn't intentionally start out to write, just was something on my mind today and tonight.
I even got a nap today, so I'm not grumpy or anything. Maybe I just need some chocolate. Yes, chocolate sounds yummy. Plus, Kevin is still playing Halo, so I have nothing else to do now. Especially since I've gotten caught up on everyone else's blog and then other people that I don't even know. Everyone does that though. At least that's what I keep telling myself :)
Chocolate time. Peace out girl scout. I wish we had some girl scout cookies. Oh well.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentines Day

Last night we celebrated Valentines Day since Kevin is leaving tomorrow. I worked from 6-4 (well I really got out of there around 4:20). Kevin had the day off so he decided to stay up the whole night before playing Halo Reach with a bunch of people from work. So he got home about the time that I woke up at 5:30 and then he went back. Apparently I'm a cool wife because I let my husband stay out all night playing video games. However, since I went to be at 10 the night before, it really didn't make a difference to me where he went once he got off work at 2 am. Of course that freedom comes with limitations haha.
Anyway, we finally got out of the apartment around 6ish and went to dinner at Ying Yang Oriental Kitchen. Real authentic oriental food. So good! Our next door neighbor works there and he's the only white guy in the kitchen so it's pretty funny to see him working there. The guy that owns the restaurant has an amazing story. Ask me if you wanna know.

Then we went to Coldstone and got these bad boys.
Chocolate Lava Meltdown
No Fair Funnel Cake

They were pretty good.  My chocolate was kind of bitter and Kevin's strawberries were still frozen, but other than that they were delicious.

Then we went ice skating at the ice rink here on campus. I only fell once so I was pretty impressed with myself :) Although in my defense, that ice has definitely seen better days. It was full of holes and I'm sure they've never used a zamboni on it.

Of course we forgot the camera (big surprise there) but you get the jist of what we did. Definitely a fun date.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

In a funk...

Do anyone ever have one of those moments not even a whole day (although I’ve had those too) where you just don’t know what’s up of why you feel weird? Yeah, I’m feeling that right about now.
All of a sudden, I’m just in a complaining mood. So this is my venting zone.

I’m pretty sure I need another 30 day challenge to get me to actually start blogging again.

Our internet sucks. No joke. I had to type this blog out in 
Microsoft word before I could even try to make a blog.

  Apparently I still owe about $500 dollars to the doctor’s office for my IUD. Yeah, they said
insurance would pay for all but $300 of it. They failed to mention however, that didn’t
include a bunch of other fees the doctor requires. And that doesn’t include the insurance
deductible/whatever else they’ll charge. So there goes our tax return which means most
likely no Florida this summer. Leaving that sucker in for the full 10 years is starting to sound
more appealing just to get my money’s worth out of it.

 Kevin will be leaving for 5 days on Monday (Yes that’s Valentine’s Day if you were wondering).
He won’t be back until Friday afternoon-ish. That’s the longest we’re been apart in
a year and a half. Yes, I am aware that people go months without seeing one another.
That still doesn't disregard the fact that it’s the longest we’ve
been apart since we got married.

 I think I need a new calling because I can never seem to meet with the committee
when they can because I am always working or at school or doing homework.

Blogger is still not working even though I’ve typed this whole thing since I last checked.
Um, excuse me, Big Dog Satellite Internet. You should really check your satellite since
we live in a frozen tundra and occasionally the receiver may be, just may be blocked.

It is 16 degrees outside. That’s actually really warm for February. Anytime it gets into
double digit positives, you're bound to see people walking to class in short sleeves.

You'd think after 17 years of school I'd learn to double check my answers on quizzes
and not mark false when I really mean true.

My new computer that we just bought already had it's graphic card crap out in it.
Not cool, little Sony. Not cool.

I need to go to the gym but I really don't want to.

That was 10, count em 10 things that I just came up with recently to complain about.
So now I will force myself to come up with 10 things I am grateful that will dismiss
everything I just complained about all on my own.
So here we go.

I don't need a 30 day challenge. I have enough stuff in my life that could easily fill up this blog
if I just took the time to record it.

The internet finally started working again. Good dog, good dog.
(Reference to Big Dog if you didn't catch that.)

We actually still make little enough to still get a tax return instead of having to pay.
Although I'm pretty sure if we make much more this year as we did last year,
it's only a matter of time before we'll have to start owing the government.

I am blessed to have a wonderful husband who treats me like a queen regardless of the
fact that he may have to leave every so often for work training. There's always skype.
We're pretty much pros at that.

I have a job and school that keeps me busy and the committee members do their
best to work around my schedule. (Even if it is a terrible schedule to work with.)

Internet started working, so now blogger is too! YAY!!

It will warm up eventually. And then we'll all be complaining about how hot it is in the summer.

I've been able to go to school for 17 years and regardless of my airheadedness
I've done relatively well in school.

I still have Kevin's computer to use and mine is getting fixed for free since
it's still under warranty.

I am physically able to exercise. Lots of people aren't. I should take advantage of that.
Just not tonight.

I feel like this blog needs a picture since I've basically written a novel. So here. Enjoy.
I'll even give you two since it was so long.

I love Dory.

And the fountains at the Bellagio :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

I finally got "My little ponies"!!!!!!

I woke up on Sunday morning and there was a bag with 2 of these amazingly fun toys in it!! I never had them when I was little, so I was beyond excited! Kevin's co-workers had put the little bag together with a card as well. Thanks to Cindy for being the ring-leader! And all the other McDonald's crew that signed my card :) I just wish it was under different circumstances.

So here's the story...

Saturday mornings I open by myself at work. So I get there at 6 am and usually don't leave until about 4 pm. Whoever opens in the morning is responsible for cutting all of the vegetables for the day and about half of the meat (the closer cuts the other half when they come in the afternoon). So I get all the vegetables ready to cut. It's only 6:10 at this point, and on the first cucumber I am cutting, I cut a little more than the cucumber on something that looks very similar to this monster.
It's really not as mean as it looks. I promise.

And now my right thumb looks like this...

Don't worry, all you healthy germ-a-phobes! I cleaned off the slicer and found the missing part of my finger and threw it away, so there was no trace of any blood or any thing else like that on the slicer or the food. However, you can imagine how much this bad boy would bleed. Like 4 hours worth! (Which may have had something to do with the baby aspirin I take every day. Stupid thin blood). I had it all wrapped up with gauze, band-aids, even paper towels, but eventually it seemed to bleed through all of those. And yes, since no one was there with me, I still stayed and worked until about 3:30. I was a little behind since I pretty much didn't have use of my right hand, but I eventually got everything done with the help of my coworkers when the showed up at 10 and 10:30. 

So I went to the community care here in Rexburg and pretty much all they could do was clean it up and bandage it. No stitches since there really isn't anything to stitch up, as you can tell. I did have to get a Tetanus shot, which made my arm sore for the good part of Sunday. They threatened to cauterize it. I had no idea what that meant, but when Kevin explained it to me, I almost had a heart attack. They pretty much burn the wound so it kills the infection. I think I would have passed out. Or cried. Luckily they didn't need to do that so I'm not in a terrible amount of pain from the cut on top of having a BURN!! But give me some Ibuprofen and I am feeling good! Well of course with the exception  of the non-use of my right thumb.

So that's how my day went on Saturday. Fun stuff, I know. And that's about it!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's a pillow, it's a pet. It's a pillow pet!

In addition to a Snuggie, I want a pillow pet...specifically a bumble bee pillow pet. Or a penguin. Yes, a penguin one would do. They are so precious.

That way I could curl up  in bed under my snuggie with my pillow pet.

We watched Marley and Me tonight. So sad :( Kevin had never seen it before so I wanted him to watch it. But now I just want a puppy even more. Someday...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


It is freezing in my apartment, but i have to have my arms out of the blanket to type assignments/do other homework. Naturally, I'm freezing. One might say to just go put a sweatshirt on, but I just say,
"I want a Snuggie!"

I usually want one every day of every freezing cold winter in Rexburg, but today I want one especially bad. I guess I'll just have to settle for a sweatshirt. Lame. They are so not as cool as a Snuggie. I would even settle for a "slanket" (the off-brand, not so cool version).

Seriously, who WOULDN'T want one of these?!?
1) They keep you warm.
2) You can still do stuff (unlike if you are under a blanket).
3) You get to look like a Jedi (this is by far the best and my most favorite reason).

P.S. If you want a good laugh, google images of snuggies. Priceless.